Monday, December 8, 2008


it's Christmas time again... i know there are lots of gifts to be given and gifts to be receive. streets are busy with people buying and selling christmas stuffs. houses are full of beautiful decorations with christmas lights. christmas trees that are so tall filled with balls and angels. some people now are thinking on what to do on Christmas eve. i know that's the usual things people do during this season but we should not forget on what is the real essence of celebrating Christmas. isn't this the day that our savior was born to save us from our sins. a historical day of our lives which we should be giving thanks to our creator. we should not only focusing ourselves into an earthly decorations but we should also pay attention to our very own self. i suggest that we should confess all our sins before we celebrate this meaningful event. it doesn't matter on how big and how beautiful is your preparation but it matters most on how did you prepare for the coming of the Lord. we should put in our mind that we are not just having this kind of celebration just to have fun but it also indicates and help us remember that above all things, we should celebrate this with great love in our hearts, sharing and giving. .. that's the most important thing that we must do.

MerRy ChrIstMas tO aLL.. eNjoY!